During old times in Australia people used to go for long walks in bushes, since motor vehicles were not very common those days. In order to travel so far on foot they usually carry stuff like: food, lantern and swags. Food and lantern are common but, swag can be defined as couple of things rolled in a traditional way and carried on the persons back like a bag pack, light weight, easy to carry and use are some prominent pluses of a swag.
Generally, people misunderstand swag with a ‘tent’. Tent is a completely different item to carry whereas, swags are from the family of ‘sleeping bags’, that’s why it is defined as a ‘bedroll’ however in Australia still swags are considered as a tent. A modern swag is water resistant, more durable and insect proof with a soft and camping sleeping bags attached in the base of a swag. Widely, this item of camping can be divided in two categories one is known for its robustness and durability, usually used for those who travel by vehicles (point to be observed here is, they are heavy and hard to carry as they are bulky in make). On the other hand, modern thinking has made some really lightweight easy to carry and use ‘swags’ and they label these only as swag.
As per google search, there are some swags for camping considered among the best of all i.e. Darche Dusk to dawn Swag, Darche Dirty Dee Swag, True blue bluey Bigfoot swag, jolly swagman shiralee swag and some more, definitely can’t go in much details of each. There are certain worth mentioning points related to Swags for example:
Setup and pack up in no time: Camping trip is fun and adventure but one cannot spend time in hard labor, when he/she is badly sleepy, tired of long walks and all; now one just need to setup a bed in seconds and sleep profoundly, so the next day can be enjoyed properly and with fresh body and mind.
Just swag and nothing else: when carrying a swag on your back, there is no need to carry anything else. Sleeping is no more an issue, otherwise just imaging carry the whole sole stuff just for 1 week sleep and still comfort is not guaranteed.
Warmer and cooler: during winter season camping is fun but, even then you need a warmer sleep. Essential attribute of a swag is it’s warmer than a tent in winter season and surprisingly opposite in summer season. A chilly sound sleep is a must during summer season and what better than Swag. So in short, there are tremendous benefits of swag as compare to sleeping beds or tents.
Selection of stuff for camping plays a vital role in adventure, selection is appropriate according to the need; camping is heaven and fun; God forbid selection of stuff is in appropriate and one is carrying what is not needed, honestly camping is hellfire rather bonfire.